Customer Speaks!

Abhijith Theeyanchery
5 min readOct 29, 2020

Darlane Diukar, Area Sales Manager — Genotypic India

We managed to have a little chat with a rising young sales wizard, Darlane Diukar at one of the newest members of the root family, Genotypic. Genotypic is a market leader in Genomics service sector in India, providing Microarray, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Bioinformatics services and solutions to domestic and international pharma firms, biotech companies, and with important contributions in academia as well. Darlane is an adventure junkie, outgoing, and brings in such positive energy to any room he goes to, an almost perfect fit for the world of sales! So, I was greatly surprised to hear his story from beaches of Goa to having a masters in microbiology, and finding his passion in sales and his nearly 3 years with Genotypic and how his perception of sales has changed over time. Here’s an excerpt from our conversation!

Abhijith: Hey Darlane, could you please tell our readers a little about what you do?

Darlane: Absolutely, I must have lost count of the times I have had to make a pitch, and now you are making me do this off work as well! Just kidding! I am an Area Sales Manager at Genotypic, who have been in the Genome service industry for over 20 years now, and have a range of one-of-a-kind products that it distributes across the globe. With potential clients across regions, a challenging job to keep tabs and develop the business. Well that was before the root anyway!

Abhijith: That’s extremely flattering! We are just developing products to make the process easier for you. The tool is only as good as the tools-man, and we are super excited to have you as an early adopter! Could you elaborate on how root has made things easier?

I have a couple of thoughts on this! The platform organizes everything for you, and has ensured we collect and have at our disposal comprehensive information that has definitely increased the leads to deals numbers. With its constant and timely notification on the status of various leads we have followed up on, has ensured that I don’t miss out on leads and root also provides me with next steps. It’s like I have a personal secretary with me right in my pocket, and an extremely intelligent assistant at that!

The next thing is probably how convenient it is! We have all moved to smart phones, and outdated systems where we have to update on a work station is an unproductive process. A CRM system, and an elegant easy to use one like the Root seems like an obvious next step.

“There will be days where I might forget to wear a shirt to work, but my phone, definitely not! “

Before root, a lot of time was spent manually entering information into the system which is often tedious, and even retrieving the data was a task, now the outlook is completely different and root has made the whole system work without shudders. Days of looking into my dairies are now over, now everything is organized and extremely convenient.

Abhijith: Our product team would be buzzing hearing this! So how do you think sales as a function is now evolving with advent of technology?

Darlane: Innovation is the need of the hour, you embrace it or you can just call it a day right away. It holds true for Sales as well. Before root, the kind of data we collected was not as comprehensive. Now we have the complete picture and can retrieve it with ease as I said before. And its not about complex CRM systems, we need tools to make things easier for users, so their time is more productively used. Our sales effectiveness has definitely improved. For example, we can still keep tabs on certain leads that didn’t have budget before but might do now. In the older system, these leads might have slipped through the crack. I am extremely eager to see AI get more integrated in the sales profession.

“We order our foods, our cabs, and all have AI at its heart. It is here to stay and we need to embrace it.”

Sales in the end is still a business of relationships, but embracing newer technology will only make things more convenient and doesn’t remove the human touch is my belief.

Abhijith: Well said. A question for our advertising pamphlets! An adjective that comes into your mind when you think of the root?

Darlane: I’ll do you one better, I’ll give you two. Effective, it gets the job done and has increased my sale effectiveness, nothing more to add. And Simple; let me explain. The functions it does is anything but simple, but what it does for us users are simplifying the entire process. The UI is par excellence and its usage is so simple, anyone can use it with some practice.

I could demonstrate the root to my technology-averse parents, and they would be able to use it right away!

I would also like to commend your entire team, do make it point to publish this as well!

Abhijith: Certainly! We don’t shy away from taking any praise! How was your experience working people behind the platform?

Darlane: From our very first meeting with Rahul, we could see the positive energy. And this enthusiasm if anything just increased with the onboarding and diligent and timely clearing of our queries throughout the period. Any minor additions we wanted, our feedback was immediately considered and voila we would have these additional features would be included in the very next moment. The group created to take in our feedback and answer our queries speaks highly of this hardworking team.

I certainly hope we continue to be associated with the root. I have already strongly recommended the platform to peers in my close professional circle.

Any future firms I might be associated with, I am certain to carry root with me there! Just makes your work easier, and more effective!

Abhijith: Those are very kind words, will definitely pass it along to the team. Thank you so much for this chat, Darlene. We had some great insights about the ever-changing world of sales from you. Anything else you are hoping the root could do for you?

Darlane: Could you guys do something about fixing my eating habits? You seemed to have a solution for everything, help me keep track of my calories as well! Since I am always traveling for work, timely eating habits are tough to adhere, maybe notifications for me to eat on time as well! On a serious note, this platform has been life-changing and can’t wait to see the team scale new heights!



Abhijith Theeyanchery

Business & Branding strategy enthusiast. A glorified hobo (still figuring out the Asia-Europe time difference) waiting for his ‘Survived B-School’ certificate.